
 BEE'YOU'TIFUL, ..."What I like about ME."


INK FOOTPRINT or trace your foot to make a BEE. 
Print, color a butterfly or just cut from paper and decorate. Add a picture of yourself and/or a STICK to make it a puppet. 

Self Esteem is how we feel about Ourselves,  also how much we enjoy or worry about things.
Talk  about things that BUG you, how you can be good friend and not PESTSER or BUG others. You can be beautiful by standing up against bullies and not bullying others. You can learn that once you say something you can't take it back. WE CAN DO IT!

 Curl up into a cocoon
Emerge a Bee'YOU'tiful Butterfly

Talk about the things that BUG you, then we use a  swatter or from the Dollar Store to Swat them

Make this cute Roly Poly Bug Found Here
Write  down ways to solve your problems on the sections of the bug, and talk about how you don't need to roll up scared. You can face your problems and find a way to work them out.

B if for Bandaid Bugs they can heal the Hurt from people who Bug you. 

Don't get caught in a web of Negativity 
Wrap Bug finger puppets or plastic bugs in yarn and hang  them on a yarn web this one is made with a hula hoop. Use fine motor skills to untangle the bug without ruining the web.Talk about how negative things can wrap us up and are not good.

Science experiment MAGIC BUG: use carbonated drink and raisins (bubbles get caught in the folds of the raisin. As they pop the 'bug magically moves around')

These Photo Pocket Dice  work great for the action cards. 

Love Bugs 
Do nice things for others and leave a Love Bug behind then they can pass it on to someone else.

Tired of waiting days for your molds to cure? Unmold in 15 minutes using Sheetrock patching compound found Here!

Learn to compliment yourself and your Family or Friends  as you pass a ball of string from one fsmiley member or friend to another until you complete a Giant Web. 

 A Bug week wouldn't be complete without a 
 Make a big box out of old Tupperware and Bug Stickers or draw bugs on it.
 Bug Craft Kit,  Magnifying glass

Amazon has these cute little Mirrors you could decorate, then write positive Affirmations on them for Yourself, Family, Friends and Neighbors.

Use poster board and clear cellophane and make Be’you’tiful Butterfly wings 
Go outside and see the reflection. 


Hope these activities are helpful in some way. 
Thanks for your support. Please leave feedback. I would love to see your finished papers or how you used the activities. 
Affiliate links included.  DONATIONS WELCOME

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